· Stefano Chiodino

A review of for Hugo websites
#hugo #programming

A reader of my post on how I use Hugo pointed out in the comments that it's now possible to write online Hugo posts from I've been playing with it and I'm currently using it to write this very post.

As far as writing online goes it's a big improvement over I'm just not sure that's enough to make me switch to online writing.

I love the preview. Unfortunately, it's not good enough as it doesn't work with all Hugo's shortcodes and custom ones either. What I would suggest instead is to have a test website. uses the development branch - you simply hook a new website under a test domain! Just make sure it's not going to be indexed by search engines. is not responsive or mobile friendly either, so keep that in mind if you wish to blog from your mobile.

Something I wish was also implemented is to be able to move files between folders. I organise them by year/month/day and it usually takes me more than a day to write a new blog post.

The lach of spel cheking when writin the post is very anoying. Not sure why but both Chrome standard spell checking and Chrome plugin Grammarly don't work when writing the body of the post!

In general, it feels like yet another application designed for Jekyll, that works for Hugo as well.

By the time I finished writing this post I also noticed that it came out of beta! I'm very happy to notice that it still has a free version, with community support and for less than 10 users. I was a bit concerned I was being used as a guinea pig and wasting my time here :)